📝Ranks and Titles

Yes, towns have their own hierarchies.

Town and Nation Ranks

Within a town you can be granted various ranks that come with specific permissions. Being granted a rank is a high privilege and you should try your best to fill the role adequately. Below is a list of ranks and the permissions they come with. Ranks can be given to residents with the command /t rank add [Username] [Rank].

  • Co-Mayor: Can do everything the Mayor can, except disband the town.

  • Assistant: Can manage land, add and kick residents, build anywhere and manage the towns jails.

  • Builder: Can build anywhere in the town regardless of plot permissions.

  • Banker: Can deposit and withdraw money as well as seeing the town's financial history.

  • Guard: Can manage jail plots as well as assigning and arresting outlaws.

  • Noble Exempt from taxes.

Town and Nation Titles

You can assign customised town and nation titles to members of your settlement. These have no gameplay impact and provide some simple aesthetic and informational flavour.

You can assign these titles via /[t | n] set title [Username] [Title]. These titles can be given special colours, either via regular Minecraft colour codes (&[code]) or a specific hex colour (<#[hex]>). Nation titles will override town titles.

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