Plots are pretty much specialized chunks in your town area.
Plot Types and Their Purposes
To designate a plot type, use the command /plot set [Plot Type]. Below are the available plot types and their purposes:
Available plot types
Enables PvP at all times and allows friendly-fire damage. Player inventory and experience will not be lost on death, and item durability willl not be degraded during combat.
For your town's banking purposes, mainly for /t deposit [Amount] and /t withdraw [Amount] commands.
Allows residents from other towns to claim a plot within your town.
Permits killing animals, breaking and placing crops, leaves, and beehives.
Allows any player to set their /res spawn using a bed and respawn upon death. Players from enemy nations cannot use Inns.
Enables mayors and police to jail and release residents using /town toggle jail. Jailed residents are sent to a jail plot if available.
A town claim located away from the main town area.
Permits the construction of player-made chest shops for trading.
Designates semi-protected wilderness plots where certain natural blocks like trees, flowers, and mushrooms can be interacted with, while other blocks cannot.
Identifying Plot Types
To determine a plot's type, follow these steps:
Enable chunk border visibility by pressing F3 + G.
Type /towny map big to view nearby plots (chunks) and their corresponding types listed in a key.
For instance, a green $ symbolizes a plot available for purchase within your town, while a white $ indicates a plot for sale in another town.
To purchase a plot, stand on the desired plot and type /plot claim.