Find all available Towny commands here.
/towny - Shows basic Towny commands.
/towny ? - Shows more Towny commands.
/towny allowedblocks - Opens a menu where you can check what blocks might be allowed to be built/destroyed.
/towny itemuse - Shows the items in the item_use_ids list.
/towny map - Shows the Towny map.
/towny hud - Activates the map in the player's scoreboard.
/towny plotclearblocks - Shows the blocks deleted using /plot clear.
/towny prices - Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.
/towny switches - Shows the blocks in the switch_ids list.
/towny time - Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)
/towny top residents {all/town/nation} - Shows top residents.
/towny top land {all/resident/town} - Shows top land owners.
/towny universe - Shows full Towny stats, resident/town/nation/world counts, and townblocks claimed.
/towny wildsblocks - Shows the blocks that are usable in wilds plots and which are allowed to be farmed in the wilderness.
/plot - Shows the /plot commands.
/plot claim - Resident command to personally claim a plot that is for sale.
/plot auto - Resident command to personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player typing the command.
/plot unclaim - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots.
/plot unclaim circle/rect {# (radius around current position)} - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots in a circle or rectangle shape.
/plot forsale/fs {$} - Set a plot for sale.
/plot forsale/fs circle/rect {# (radius around current position)} {$} - Set a shape of plots for sale.
/plot notforsale/nfs - Set a plot to not be for sale.
/plot notforsale/nfs circle/rect {# (radius around current position)} - Set a shape of plots to not be for sale.
/plot district create|new [name] - Creates a new district, with the given name.
/plot district add {name} - Adds a townblock to the given district.
/plot district rename [name] - Changes the name of a district.
/plot district remove - Remove the townblock you are stood in from a district.
/plot district delete - Deletes the district you are stood in.
/plot evict - Used to remove a plot from a plot owner.
/plot forsale - Evicts the plot owner and puts the plot up for sale immediately.
/plot trust add {name} - Adds a player as Trusted on the plot.
/plot trust remove {name} - Removes a player from being Trusted on the plot.
/plot perm - Shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands.
/plot perm gui - Opens the GUI to configure the plot perm override.
/plot perm add {name} - Adds a player to the plot perm override.
/plot perm remove {name} - Removes a player from the plot perm override.
/plot perm hud - Toggles on/off the plot perm hud scoreboard.
/plot set reset - Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.
/plot set shop - Sets a plot to a shop plot.
/plot set embassy - Sets a plot to an embassy plot.
/plot set arena - Sets a plot to an arena plot.
/plot set wilds - Sets a plot to a wilds plot.
/plot set inn - Set a plot to an inn plot.
/plot set jail - Set a plot to an jail plot.
/plot set farm - Set a plot to a farm plot.
/plot set bank - Set a plot to a bank plot.
/plot set outpost - Set a plot to an outpost plot.
/plot set outpost spawn - Sets the spawn point inside of an existing outpost plot.
/plot set name - Allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own.
/plot set perm {on/off} {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} - Edits the perm line of the plot.
/plot set reset - Resets the plot to the default perm line.
/plot set minjoindays {#/clear} - Sets/removes the minimum join days requirement.
/plot set maxjoindays {#/clear} - Sets/removes the maximum join days requirement.
/plot toggle fire - Turn on/off firespread in the plot.
/plot toggle pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the plot.
/plot toggle explosion - Turn on/off explosions in the plot.
/plot toggle mob - Turn on/off hostile mob spawning in the plot.
/plot toggle taxed - Turn on/off plot taxes.
/plot clear - Removes list of block IDs from a plot.
/plot group add|new|create {groupname} - Creates/adds plots to a plot group.
/plot group remove - Removes the plot stood in from its plot group.
/plot group delete - Deletes a plot group.
/plot group rename {newname} - Renames a plot group.
/plot group set {plottype} - Sets the group to a specified plot type.
/plot group set perm ... - Sets the perm line of the group.
/plot group toggle ... - Toggles plot settings for the group.
/plot group forsale|fs {price} - Set the group for sale.
/plot group notforsale|nfs - Set the group not for sale.
/plot group trust add {name} - Adds a player as Trusted on the plot group.
/plot group remove {name} - Removes a player from being Trusted on the plot group.
/plot group permgui - Opens the GUI to edit the plot perm override for the group.
/plot group perm add {name} - Adds a player to the plot perm override for the group.
/plot group perm remove {name} - Removes a player from the plot perm override for the group.
/plot jailcell add - Adds a jail cell to a jail plot.
/plot jailcell remove - Removes a jail cell from a jail plot.
/resident - Shows a player their resident screen.
/resident ? - Shows /res commands available.
/resident {resident} - Shows another player's resident screen.
/resident friendadd {resident} .. {resident} - Adds online players to your friends list.
/resident add+ {resident} .. {resident} - Adds offline players to your friends list.
/resident remove {resident} .. {resident} - Removes online players from your friends list.
/resident remove+ {resident} .. {resident} - Removes offline players from your friends list.
/resident clearlist - Removes all friends from your friend list.
/resident list - Returns a list of your friends.
/resident list - Lists online residents.
/resident jail paybail - Pays to get out of jail.
/resident outlawlist {playername} - Displays outlaw towns for a resident.
/resident plotlist {#} - Shows your list of plots.
/resident [name] {#} - Shows a list of plots for the given player.
/resident spawn - Teleports to your bed if available, otherwise town spawn.
/resident togglepvp - Toggles PVP status for your plots.
/resident fire - Toggles fire status for your plots.
/resident explosion - Toggles explosion status for your plots.
/resident mobs - Toggles mob spawning status for your plots.
/resident map - Turns on map which refreshes on plot border crossing.
/resident townclaim - Turns on automatic /town claim mode.
/resident townunclaim - Turns on automatic /town unclaim mode.
/resident bedspawn - Prioritizes bed spawn over town spawn.
/resident plotborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view.
/resident constantplotborder - Turns on constant smokey plot-border view.
/resident townborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view of your town.
/resident bordertitles - Toggles Title messages on/off when entering/leaving towns.
/resident plotgroup - Turns on automatic plot group adding mode.
/resident spy - Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.
/resident ignoreplots - Toggles plot notifications in town.
/resident reset - Turns off all active modes.
/resident infotool - Allows admins to use the clay brick tool for block/entity info.
/resident adminbypass - Allows admins to play as non-admins.
/resident setperm {on/off} {friend/ally/outsider} {on/off} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} - Edits the perm line.
/resident setperm reset - Applies the resident perm line to all owned plots.
/resident about {message/clear} - Sets/removes a bio message.
/resident tax {resname} - Shows taxes a player pays.
/town - Shows a player their town's town screen.
/town ? - Shows /town commands available.
/town {town} - Shows another town's town screen.
/town here - Shows the town screen of the town you are in.
/town leave - Leaves a town.
/town list by name {page #} - Lists towns alphabetically.
/town list by resident {page #} - Lists towns by resident count.
/town list by balance {page #} - Lists towns by nation bank balance.
/town list by townblocks {page #} - Lists towns by claimed townblocks.
/town list by online {page #} - Lists towns by online player count.
/town list by open {page #} - Lists open towns first.
/town list by public {page #} - Lists public towns first.
/town list by ruined {page #} - Lists ruined towns first.
/town list by bankrupt {page #} - Lists bankrupt towns first.
/town list by founded {page #} - Lists towns by founding date.
/town online - Shows online players in your town.
/town plots {townname} - Shows a list of plots owned by the town.
/town new {townname} - Creates a new town.
/town add {resident} .. {resident} - Adds residents to your town.
/town kick {resident} .. {resident} - Removes residents from your town.
/town invite - Shows a list of players invited to your town.
/town sent - Shows a list of invites sent by your town.
/town removeall - Denies all sent invites.
/town received - Shows a list of invites your town has received.
/town accept {nationname} - Accepts an invite to join a nation.
/town deny {nationname} - Denies an invite to join a nation.
/town {playername} - Sends an invite to a player to join your town.
/town spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn.
/town spawn {town} - Teleports you to another town's spawn.
/town claim - Claims the townblock you are standing in.
/town outpost <#|{name}|{name:#}> - Claims an outpost.
/town claim {# (radius)} - Claims an area of townblocks.
/town auto - Claims as many townblocks as possible.
/town fill - Flood fills a surrounded area of plots.
/town unclaim - Unclaims the townblock you are standing in.
/town all - Unclaims all townblocks.
/town unclaim {# (radius)} - Unclaims an area of townblocks.
/town outpost - Unclaims glitched outposts.
/town cede plot {townname} - Gives the townblock to another town.
/town withdraw {$} - Removes money from the town bank.
/town withdraw all - Withdraws all money from the town bank.
/town deposit {$} - Adds money to the town bank.
/town deposit all - Deposits all your money into the town bank.
/town deposit {$} {townname} - Deposits money into another town's bank.
/town baltop {townname} - Shows the richest players in a town.
/town bankhistory {#} - Shows the town bank history.
/town buy bonus {amount} - Buys bonus townblocks.
/town allylist {townname} - Displays a list of allies.
/town enemylist {townname} - Displays a list of enemies.
/town delete {town name} - Deletes a town.
/town forsale|fs [$] - Puts a town up for sale.
/town notforsale|nfs - Removes a town from being for sale.
/town buytown {townname} - Buys a town that is for sale.
/town merge {town name} - Merges another town into your town.
/town outlawlist {town} - Displays a list of outlaws for a town.
/town outlaw {add/remove} {name} - Adds/removes an outlaw.
/town outpost {#} - Teleports to an outpost.
/town outpost {list} - Lists your town's outposts.
/town plotgrouplist {townname} {page #} - Lists a town's plot groups.
/town purge {days} - Kicks inactive residents.
/town ranklist {townname} - Displays residents and their ranks.
/town rank {add/remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants/removes a rank.
/town reclaim - Reclaims a ruined town.
/town reslist {townname} - Shows a list of all residents in a town.
/town say {msg} - Broadcasts a message to online town members.
/town set board {message/none} - Sets/clears the town's login message.
/town set mayor {resident} - Gives mayor status to another resident.
/town set homeblock - Sets the homeblock and spawn.
/town set spawn - Sets the town spawn.
/town set spawncost - Sets the cost of spawning to a public town.
/town set mapcolor {color} - Sets the town's map color.
/town set name {name} - Changes the town's name.
/town set outpost - Resets the outpost's spawn point.
/town set perm {on/off} {resident/ally/outsider} {on/off} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} - Edits the perm line.
/town set perm reset - Applies the town perm line to all plots.
/town set tag {upto4character/clear} - Sets/clears the town tag.
/town set taxes {$} - Sets daily taxes.
/town set taxpercentcap {$} - Sets the maximum tax percentage.
/town set plottax {$} - Sets daily plot taxes.
/town set plotprice {$} - Sets default plot price.
/town set shopprice {$} - Sets default shop plot price.
/town set shoptax {$} - Sets daily shop plot tax.
/town set embassyprice {$} - Sets default embassy plot price.
/town set embassytax {$} - Sets daily embassy plot tax.
/town set title {name} {titlegoeshere} - Adds a title to a resident.
/town set title {name} - Removes a title from a resident.
/town set surname {name} {surnamegoeshere} - Adds a surname to a resident.
/town set surname {name} - Removes a surname from a resident.
/town set primaryjail - Sets the town's primary jail.
/town toggle explosion - Toggles explosions in town.
/town toggle fire - Toggles firespread in town.
/town toggle mobs - Toggles hostile mob spawning in town.
/town toggle public - Toggles public spawning and homeblock coordinates.
/town toggle pvp - Toggles pvp in town.
/town toggle taxpercent - Toggles taxing by percent/flat rate.
/town toggle nationzone - Toggles the town's NationZone.
/town toggle open - Toggles public joining.
/town toggle takeoverclaim - Toggles takeover claim.
/town join {townname} - Joins a town that doesn't require invites.
/town jail list - Shows jail information.
/town jail {name} [hours] [bail] [jail] [cell] - Jails a player.
/town unjail {name} - Unjails a player.
/town trust add {name} - Adds a player as Trusted to the town.
/town trust remove {name} - Removes a player from being Trusted by the town.
/town trust list - Displays a list of trusted players.
/town trusttown add [townname] - Adds a town as trusted.
/town trusttown remove [townname] - Removes a town as trusted.
/town trusttown list - Displays a list of trusted towns.
/nation - Shows a player their nation's nation screen.
/nation ? - Shows /nation commands.
/nation list by name {page #} - Lists nations alphabetically.
/nation list by resident {page #} - Lists nations by resident count.
/nation list by balance {page #} - Lists nations by nation bank balance.
/nation list by towns {page #} - Lists nations by town count.
/nation list by townblocks {page #} - Lists nations by claimed townblocks.
/nation list by online {page #} - Lists nations by online player count.
/nation list by open {page #} - Lists open nations first.
/nation list by public {page #} - Lists public nations first.
/nation list by founded {page #} - Lists nations by founding date.
/nation online - Shows online players in your nation.
/nation {nation} - Shows another nation's screen.
/nation leave - Leaves a nation.
/nation withdraw {$} - Removes money from the nation bank.
/nation withdraw all - Withdraws all money from the nation bank.
/nation deposit {$} - Adds money to the nation bank.
/nation deposit all - Deposits all your money into the nation bank.
/nation baltop {nationname} - Shows the richest players in a nation.
/nation bankhistory {#} - Shows the nation bank history.
/nation deposit {$} {townname} - Deposits money into a town's bank.
/nation new {nationname} - Creates a new nation.
/nation rank - Command to set assistant/custom ranks.
/nation add {town} .. {town} - Adds towns to your nation.
/nation kick {town} .. {town} - Removes towns from your nation.
/nation delete {nation} - Deletes your nation.
/nation invite - Shows a list of invites sent.
/nation sent - Shows a list of invites sent.
/nation {town} - Invites a town to a nation.
/nation ally add {nation} .. {nation} - Adds nations to your ally list.
/nation ally remove {nation} .. {nation} - Removes nations from your ally list.
/nation ally accept {nationname} - Accepts an ally invitation.
/nation ally deny {nationname} - Denies an ally invitation.
/nation ally sent - Shows sent ally invitations.
/nation ally received - Shows received ally invitations.
/nation enemyadd {nation} .. {nation} - Adds nations to your enemy list.
/nation enemy remove {nation} .. {nation} - Removes nations from your enemy list.
/nation rank {add/remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants/removes a rank.
/nation sanctiontownadd [townname] - Adds a town to the sanctioned town list.
/nation sanctiontown remove [townname] - Removes a town from the sanctioned town list.
/nation sanctiontown list [nationname] - Lists sanctioned towns.
/nation say {msg} - Broadcasts a message to online nation members.
/nation setking {resident} - Changes the king of the nation.
/nation capital {town} - Sets the capital and king.
/nation set board {message/none} - Sets/clears the nation's login message.
/nation set taxes {$} - Sets nation taxes.
/nation set conqueredtax {$} - Sets conquered tax.
/nation set taxpercentcap - Sets the maximum tax percentage.
/nation set name {name} - Sets the nation's name.
/nation set spawn - Sets the nation spawn point.
/nation set spawncost - Sets the cost of public spawns.
/nation set title {name} {titlegoeshere} - Adds a title to a member.
/nation set title {name} - Clears a title from a member.
/nation set surname {name} {surnamegoeshere} - Adds a surname to a member.
/nation set surname {name} - Clears a surname from a member.
/nation set tag {upto4character/clear} - Sets/clears the nation tag.
/nation set mapcolor {color} - Sets the map color.
/nation toggleneutral - Toggles neutrality during war.
/nation open - Sets the nation to be open.
/nation taxpercent - Toggles percentage-based taxation.
/nation join {nation} - Joins an open nation.
/nation merge {nationname} - Requests a nation merge.
/nation ranklist {nationname} - Displays residents and their ranks.
/nation townlist [nation] - Lists all towns in a nation.
/nation allylist [nation] - Lists all allies of a nation.
/nation enemylist [nation] - Lists all enemies of a nation.
/invite - Shows subcommands.
/invite ?|help - Shows subcommands.
/invite list - Shows a list of invites you have received from towns.
/invite accept {town} - Accepts an invite to join a town.
/invite deny {town} - Denies an invite to join a town.
/invite deny all - Denies all received town invites.
Chat Commands
/tc [message] - Speak with members of your town only, or enter the channel.
/nc [message] - Speak with members of your nation only, or enter the channel.
/ac [message] - Speak with members of your nation and allies, or enter the channel.
/g [message] - Speak in global chat, or enter the channel.
/l, /lc [message] - Speak in local chat, or enter the channel.
/res set mode reset - Reset chat mode to default.
/channel leave|join {channel} - Leave or join a channel.
/ch list - List the channels a player is listening to.
/leave {channel} - Leave a channel.
/join {channel} - Join a channel.
/chmute {channel} {player} - Mutes a player in a channel.
/mutelist {channel} - Displays the mute list for a channel.
/chunmute {channel} {player} - Unmutes a player in a channel.
Last updated
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