🏗ïļCreating a Town

Learn how to make your very own town.


You should have at least $2,500 in-game money for establishing the town, plus an additional $5,000 to $10,000 for claiming land and covering initial upkeep costs. Failure to afford the costs will lead to your town being bankrupt, and after a certain period of time, the town will be accessible to everyone!

Step 1: Establishing Your Town

To create your town (which also sets the homeblock at the same spot), stand at the desired location and type /t new [Town Name]. Spaces in the name will be replaced with underscores upon submission.

Step 2: Funding Your Town

After creating your town, ensure its financial stability by depositing funds. We recommend starting with $7,500 to $10,000. This is crucial as daily upkeep costs are proportional to the number of town members. Upkeep fees are deducted daily at a specified time, visible with /towny time. Town funds are also used for purchasing bonus claim blocks and expanding land.

Step 3: Claiming Land

Land is claimed per chunk. To view the chunk boundaries, press F3 + G. You start with one claimed chunk (which is called your homeblock). To claim additional chunks, stand in an adjacent unclaimed chunk and type /t claim (each claim costs $250). You can expand your town size by joining a nation or purchasing bonus townblocks by typing /t buy bonus [Amount] (each bonus claim costs $500).

Step 4: Establishing Outposts

To claim land not directly connected to your town, you create an outpost. This costs $15,000. Stand in the desired chunk and type /t claim outpost to establish the outpost plot. Once claimed, you can continue expanding around it with /t claim.

Step 5: Taxation

You can impose taxes on residents to cover town expenses. Choose between a fixed daily fee for all residents by typing /t set taxes [Amount] or a percentage of each resident's balance, up to 10% of $10,000, whichever is lower, toggled with /t toggle taxpercent. Taxes are collected alongside daily upkeep. Noble residents and town staff members are exempt from taxes, which may affect resident recruitment.

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